Caravaneer 2 Save Editor

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Description / genre:RPG
This is the second part of Caravaneer. The game is a fusion between an RPG with turn based battles and an economics simulator. You find yourself in a post-apocalyptic desert. Your goal is to survive and to try and gain enough power to complete your mission. There are different ways to achieve this, but the most straightforward one consists in transporting goods between settlements. Buy stuff where it's cheap and sell it where it's expensive. Then you can spend the money you earn on purchasing transport, hiring people or improving your battle gear.
The second part preserves the spirit and the basic mechanics of the first game, but it has a completely new set of graphics and a whole lot of new features, such as morale, slavery, electricity, different foodstuffs, weapon attachments, tools, workshop etc.
There's also more content. The map has got much bigger, there are more different items and much bigger and less linear story.
The game is still at the beta stage. If you encounter any bugs, please submit bug reports. If you want to express your opinions or suggest improvements, please feel free to post about it at this site's forums or search for Caravaneer on Facebook.
ct file:
updated, check details

The text it sets the title to it gets from the configuration file. Used to update stream's title. All it does is change the title of the Minecraft window. This mod is very simple. Command Example Result!Status (message)!Status 24h Charity Stream! How to change title on twitch as mod 2019.

00.caravan2b.ct31.1 KB446

No +karma or thanks post please,
we shall exchange appreciation via telepathy ;)

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions Caravaneer 2 players ask. CARAVANEER 2 F.A.Q. CARAVANEER 1. CARAVANEER 2. EXPANDED UNIVERSE. Don't forget to take the knife and the first aid kit in your room in the bunker. The knife will save your life when you run out of ammo and the first aid kit can be sold to the.


Ok, so there are actually two places where you can play the caravaneer beta:But google recently sent me to:(notice the absence of www)And my browser thought it was a different website, so it wouldn't load the locally stored content. Obviously I haven't saved to file (takes too long). I almost shat myself thinking I lost my saves and all the awesome stuff I assembled during my two weeks off (great timing that was btw).But luckily I'm tech savvy enough to double check the url.Just a heads up for everyone and perhaps a solution for others who mysteriously lost their saves.