Poema En Diamante

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Projects - Spanish 1‎ > ‎

Poema en diamante

For this project, students will create their own 'diamond poem'. The poem is to appear in the shape of a diamond and will describe the student (using adjectives from this chapter). Students are expected to finish this project with a neat and appealing visual presentation. I will provide the paper, as well as scissors for the class. Students will be asked to gather and bring in materials to decorate their project with - markers, pencils, crayons, glue, and visuals (pictures, magazine cuttings, etc.). The majority of this project will be done in class (prewriting, rough draft & a class period is devoted to making the final product) - students are allowed to work on it outside of class and will have an extra evening to finish it, if needed.
This project should be handwritten, NOT typed.
Below you will see that a grading rubric has been attached for you to view.
Also, you will see that an example of my own diamond poem is provided to view as well.

Read the poema en diamante to present in class on block day. (10 points) (accuracy, fluency and pronunciation) THIS IS AN EXAM GRADE. POEMA EN DIAMANTE IS DUE WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 11TH OR THURSDAY SPETEMBER 12TH.