Swords And Sandals 2 Boss List

STRENGTH lets you hit harder with melee weaponss and lets you

use maces and axes and AGILITY lets you use swords and lets you

move more when you walk/jump also increases your dodge %ATTACK

increases your Chance of hitting, DEFENCE lets you block more,

Jun 27, 2017  Swords and Sandals Gladiator, are you ready to unleash hell in the arena? The world's favourite gladiator game has returned, bigger and more action packed then ever. Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor's Reign returns, remastered with all new graphics, music and powerful new skills and Arena Champions.

VITALITY raises your health, CHARISMA, when you use 'win the

crowd' it raises more, discounts on wepons&armour ,STAMIMA

raises your energy(can do more attacks without having to sleep) and

when you sleep your energy grows more, MAGIKA lets you use potions

Download ghost for windows 7. and spells and raises your mana.. did i get answer your
