Tibia Para Mac Os Xtibia For Mac


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Jan 27, 2012
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Jul 04, 2009  If you ever do find a way to play tibia on the mac, you should get asprate ip changer, so you can play open tibia. WAYYYY better than the original game and there are thousands of servers to suit your style for wasting your time servers on otservlist.org.

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This tutorial is designed for: Mac users who would like to play Tibia on Mac without the need to install performance poor software like Parallels Desktop, CrossOver or VMware Fusion and who do not want to install Windows on Boot Camp. Intermediate users who already have a basic experience with Terminal and for people who know how to follow a tutorial step by step.
Please note that this tutorial will only explain how to install official Tibia Client onto your Mac computer. I will not explain how to install any third-party software nor how to install private server's clients.
What's the magic solution?
In this tutorial we will see how to install http://www.winehq.org/ (software, not the drink), a free and open source compatibility layer which allows Windows applications to run on Unix-like systems.

Why Wine?

Nowadays, Windows and Mac are closer than they used to be. You can install Windows and Mac side by side and switch between them using Boot Camp, but that requires a system reboot every time so you can only use one operating system at a time.
You can also use an application like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to virtualize Windows and run it together with Mac, but virtualization is slow and it takes up a lot of memory. (Your physical computer creates an imaginary 'virtual' computer within itself, and runs Windows on that. It not only takes a lot of resources but also requires you to have a software license, which often costs some cash..
Wine is different. Instead of emulating a whole new operating system within your Mac, it simply puts itself between your operating system and the program you are trying to run (like a layer) and 'translates' all requests sent by the program in 'windows-language' to the one of OS X. That way the program never realizes that it is running on another operating system than Windows.
Plus, Wine is open source, which means people are continually improving it and adding new features and open source also means free!
In order to install wine on your Mac OS X your computer will have to meed certain requirements:
An Intel Mac: Unfortunately wine can't be installed on a PowerPC based model. It only works on Intel Macs. All new Macs use Intel processors. To see if your Mac has an Intel processor, go to the Apple logo on the far left of the toolbar, select About This Mac, and look at the Processor description. If it contains the word 'Intel,' then your computer is ready for Wine!
Access to an administrator account: On Mac you can not install software unless you are an administrator. You will need to be logged in as administrator in order to install Wine.
Apple Xcode: Xcode is Apple official software development environment which is provided on your Mac OS X install DVD but which is not installed by default, so before installing Wine, you will have to install Xcode. If you're running Snow Leopard (10.6), you'll need Xcode 3.2+. If you're running Leopard (10.5), you'll need Xcode 3.1. If you're running Tiger (10.4), you'll need Xcode 2.5.
X11: X11 is a software application which provides Graphical User Interface, it is installed by default on Snow Leopard and Leopard. If you are running Tiger, you can install X11 from your Tiger installation DVD using the 'Optional Installs.mpkg' file.
An Internet Connection: If you are reading this then it's fine Smile
Time: About 1-2.5 hours, depending on your personal and computer speed.

Ok the problems for me so far:- after installing was unplayable because of the lag. Strangely, after changing the graphics engine to OpenGL the lag was gone.- however, sometimes i open the client and it's still laggy. After a couple of restarts and/or change the graphics settings, it goes back to normal.- also, the graphics were horrible in the first run. Activating antialiasing solved the problem.- buuuuuut, theres another graphical glitch: the damage, healing, etc numbers above the character appear VERY TINY. Don't know how to solve this.- and the minimap disappears after. I don't know when or why.- aaaaand i can't seem to be able to use two keys at the same time. This results in inability to press a hotkey while holding the arrow keys to walk, so when im running from a monster and dying i have to stop, heal and then keep running like a bitch.

Not cool.that's all. I think those were less bugs than i expected from a first release, because all Tibia 11 features work as a charm, hotkeys config, etc etc etc. So im happy overall. The graphical issues are likely the same that many people have already seen on Windows when using high DPI devices, just because the client doesn't support DPI scaling. One fix would probably be to set the client resolution to 1080p and go fullscreen, I'm pretty sure that will make the text the right size and what not. An alternative would be to change the Mac resolution to 1080p, but that might have some rather unpleasant side effects.As for hotkeys, have you tried with an external keyboard at all? There are numerous reasons that this might help, and it's definitely worth a shot.