Blacklist 2011 Scripts Pdf Free

UPDATED WITH VOTES, LOGLINES & REPS: The annual today revealed the best unproduced screenplays of the year, as voted on by over 250 film execs. A total of 72 scripts made the cut in the 2013 edition of the yearly ranking compiled since 2004 by Franklin Leonard, with Andrew Sodroski’s Holland, Michigan receiving the most votes of all. As usual there are plenty of familiar names on this list, including Jason Fuchs for his Pan screenplay that’s set up at Warner Bros with Joe Wright aboard to direct, and Jason Dean Hall’s American Sniper, another Warners project. Black List alumni that have gone on to Oscar and box office glory include Argo, The King’s Speech, and Slumdog Millionaire. This year 33.3 percent of Black List entries have financiers attached; 68 percent have producers attached; and 5 writers or writing teams don’t have agents. Here is the list by votes, with votes by agency and manager reps.

More complete info as it comes. THE COMPANY MANAndrew CypiotBased on true events. CIA agent Edwin Wilson went behind enemy lines to secure weapons contracts and report information back to the CIA shortly after the Cold War. He had a meteoric rise until company policies changed and he was unceremoniously fired, but he continued to operate as a man without a country and became public enemy number one in the U.S.

CLARITYRyan Belenzon, Jeffrey GelberWhat if a world woke up tomorrow to scientific proof of the afterlife?Agency: ParadigmAgents: Nick LoPiccolo, Ida ZinitiManagement: Fourth Floor ProductionsManager: Jeff SilverProducer: Bona Fide ProductionsTHE POLITICIANMatthew Bass, Theodore BressmanA disgraced governor and his underachieving accomplice go on the run from the FBI, U.S. Marshals and a gang of hardened drug dealers.Agency: WMEAgents: Rich Cook, Solco SchuitManagement: Circle of Confusion (Bass), Principato-Young Entertainment (Bressman)Manager: Julian Rosenberg (Bass), Peter Principato (Bressman)Financier: SonyProducer: The Mark Gordon Company, Point Grey PicturesAMERICAN SNIPERJason Dean HallBased on Chris Kyle’s autobiography American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper In U.S. Military History.Agency: CAAAgent: Jay BakerManagement: Management 360Manager: Dan FriedmanFinancier: Warner BrosProducer: 22nd & Indiana, Mad Chance ProductionsTHE LINESang Kyu KimA corrupt bordercrossing agent must decide what is more important — saving his soul or inflating his bank account — when he discovers a young illegal boy who escaped a cartel hit on the border between the U.S.

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