Psp Game Keep Freezing

May 02, 2020  To help with game freezing and slowness, run the game in XP compatibility mode and/or disable the Aero appearance setting. First, make sure you have the ability to view hidden files: Show hidden files. From your Windows 8 desktop, move your mouse into the lower-left corner of your screen and right-click. Click on the Search icon.

Welcome to, a place to talk about everything PSP and PSPgo.Official DiscordLatest Official System Software: 6.61Guides and ResourcesIf you have any other guides that you think should be included, please message the moderators. PlayStation Related RedditsSpecific Game RedditsPosting Rules.If you intend to show-off a system or accessories, Please post it in the stickied Weekly Show-off Thread.Do not post links to or discuss illegal/warez file-sharing sites. We do not support or condone piracy.This subreddit is not for selling, try.Edit at bottom, I think I've solved the problem. Mods feel free to delete this if you want, but maybe keep it up if it helps other people?Hey everyone. I'm at the end of my tether here.

I've had this issue for the last 3 years and I still haven't managed to fix it. I've tried heaps of different things, settings, different ISOs for the same game, CPU clocking, et cetera. And I just cannot get it to work. If someone can help me here, I will literally donate you money or something.Basically, the problem is, at any random time, my PSP may freeze for 10 seconds, then shut off automatically (I assume as part of some failsafe process), but only when I'm playing an ISO. It does not occur in the PSP home menu, on the recovery screen or when playing UMDs. It's a full shutdown, meaning that I have to start my LCFW again and any unsaved progress is lost.This problem has occurred in (so far):.Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles when loading Symphony of the Night.

It only happens 1/3 times. When first loading the game it'll just show a black screen, then shut off, instead of loading Symphony of the Night as normal.

If the game does load though, it will never freeze and shut down after that.Valkyrie Profile Lenneth when I was in Lezard's tower. It happened twice in the same spot, then I put my PSP away for a bit and came back, and it worked. It hasn't frozen since then but dungeons are long and have large gaps between save points:(.Gitaroo Man Lives! When my boyfriend was playing it once. He beat the last stage of the game and it did a similar thing to Castlevania. Instead of loading the last cutscene it just stayed black, then froze, then auto shutdown.The Third Birthday randomly froze near the end of Chapter 1 (after the cutscene where the little girl mentions Aya's dream and then turns into a huge Twisted). It just froze mid-game, then auto shutdown.

This REALLY pissed me off as missions are like 30-45 minutes in this game and I didn't save in the middle.The worst offender is Taiko no Tatusjin Portable DX. It's pretty much how I check to see if any changes I've made have fixed the issue (spoiler: I NEVER DO) because it's the only reliable replication of the problem I have. It happens simply when scrolling through songs in Arcade Mode (or whatever mode it is where you just pick a song and play it, my Japanese is as good as my PSP fixing abilities). It'll randomly freeze when scrolling through songs and loading their sound preview (ie 10ish seconds of the song to hear what it sounds like before playing). Then shut down.

It can happen as soon as I go to play my first song, or I can play 1 or 2 songs without trouble and it'll happen after that. That's what pisses me off, it's so random.My setup is (currently):.PSP-3002 (Australia & New Zealand).

I bought it brand new about 6 years ago.32GB Memory Stick ProDuo.6.61 official firmware.LME 6.61.ISO mode: m33 driver (but believe me this may as well be anything, I've tried this, NP9660, Inferno, ME driver, OE isofs, doesn't fix it)Clock speeds are default.All plugins disabled (I don't use any).All other options are at whatever CFW defaults are. I haven't changed anything.This setup is fresh as of 2 hours ago, in my blind hope thinking that just starting fresh and updating my CFW.I also formatted my MSPD and backed up all my ISOs and saves, as well as DLC for Taiko and Dissida 012.Before this setup I was using PRO-C 6.60 (OFW 6.60 as well).While using PRO I tried different ISO modes, CPU clock speeds, and recovery menu options such as: FakeRegion on/off, NoDRM Engine on/off. I cannot turn off Hide CFW Dirs as I need this for DLC. I tried different ISOs for the problem games, and tried Taiko without the DLC to see if that was causing it (still crashed!).NONE of this has worked. Innovative technology itns 300 driver for mac. I've watched countless videos, read countless threads, all with this freeze then shutdown issue, but NOTHING I've tried has worked. This has been 3 years going and I just want to throw my PSP out the window sometimes, but I just got back into playing it after being on a holiday and I really want to get back into it again.

Can anyone PLEASE help me? I'm sorry if this has been verbose and whiny but I just want this fixed. And if I can't get it fixed, I'll just buy a new one I guess. And if this happens again, I'll send Kaz Hirai angry emails.

Thanks in advance.EDIT: I think I've fixed it! I believe the issue is definitely RAM related. I think what my PSP was doing was using too much RAM while playing certain games.In the recovery menu under advanced, I disabled unlock extra memory.

Is this something RAM/speed up related? I also fully disabled any memory stick speed ups and clock speeds back to default. Only thing I have enabled in recovery configuration is nodrm engine, charge from usb and enable vsh menu. Using sony np9660.With these settings I haven't had a crash in Taiko so far. This is looking really promising but I'm going to keep testing to make sure. I'm thinking it is a RAM issue. The first response from a lot of people is that it's a battery problem but it's not.

1948 1954 chevrolet pickup vehicle specifications. I have 20 or so other games that haven't crashed so far and I can play them until the battery fully depletes.One of the reasons I think it's related to RAM is that it occurs randomly, but also whenever something is being loaded. Castlevania for example, it will only crash when loading Symphony of the Night every so often (literally the only reason I bought the game.), but after that it will never crash. I assume because SOTN is a PS1/Saturn game so it uses far less RAM when actually playing it.Its either the RAM or something software related. That's why I started over with 6.61 LME after doing a format of my memory stick. It could also be a faulty memory stick too, but I don't think that's the case.One other thing it might be is overheating.

That would explain what happened with Valkyrie Profile. It froze twice in the same spot so I thought I was completely screwed, but I left it for a couple of hours and came back and I managed to beat Lezard's Tower without it crashing again.Also, thanks for going to the trouble of testing it. I really appreciate that. Testing with 6.60 Pro-C2 on a PSP-3001 04g, 2003 02g, 2001 02gReally seems memory related.Game wouldn't even launch with Force high memory layout enabled. Was having issues even getting to the screen where you scroll through the songs, would get constant crashes and shutdowns on my 3001. Changed a bunch of things, but changed everything back and it didn't start happening again.

Only thing I can't revert is enabling wma and enable flash. Able to scroll through songs no problem on 3001,2003,2001.

Not so sure if this thread is alive but I've recently picked up a PSP 3000 model because I got sick and tired of the PS VITA with it's stupid propitiatory USB cable. That in addition it is a burden that I have to use a SONY specific app to sync and backup my stuff rather than just plug and play and GTFO. Sometimes I just can't understand why companies even Nintendo for that matter take something that they have created from the beginning to be so simple and then later on in the next release they decide to take a whole jump backwards.So my issue is the following and let me explain my setup here.PSP 3000 model with CFW 6.61 LME-2.3 infinity.My problem I'm trying to play my best bud official backup copy of Persona.

What happens is after the game bootup, the game intro, and after the first scene where every student that participated in the Persona summoning and recover at the school's clinic, when I try to exit the school's clinic, the PSP screen would just go black and then few seconds later the PSP would just shutdown completely.I have never had this issue a long time ago back in the old college days with my phat PSP and I remembered playing that game along with other games as well flawless. So why is it that this PSP 3000 does that? Keep in mind that I am not using any registry hacks the likes of skins, themes and what not. In addition I have played with the CPU and VHS menu clock speed and ISO mode drivers as well.

And I also want to make it clear that I did not enable skip boot screen or skip game or any of those things that the CFW allows as I wanted to keep it as close to original stock firmware with CFW.If someone could kindly help me shine a light in on this I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you. So I've been having a very similar issue on my PSP 1000. Turns off if I put pressure near the thumbstick/down button. It freezes for 10 seconds, then shuts down.What fixes it pretty much is if I slip a credit card or simcard between the motherboard and the case.

No more freezing! I have to bend the motherboard about 1 degree or so for it to stop but then it's pretty hard to put the case back on.Another thing I noticed, it will freeze on the Sony logo upon boot if I put pressure there, it will freeze anywhere during any game doing this but where it doesn't do it is in the recovery menu which is just weird. (Holding R on boot). Any ideas before I crack my mobo with credit cards? LmaoEdit. No battery in, no memory card, and it's on Pro 5.00 I believe. I'm at a loss.

Boutta chock it up to hardware and I need a new mobo? But I reaaaaally don't wanna take it apart and replace it. I just wanted to give this away to a friend as a bday gift coming up.