Mount And Blade Warband Town

I've been playing a roleplay-heavy game and I'm pretty far into it. The Nords, Swadians and Khergits are all now ruled by their resepctive claimants and the Vaegirs are close to being eliminated entirely. I am also now at the stage where I want to start my own kingdom. Due to the playthrough being heavily roleplay based, I would like to edit some of the location names based on significant events and battle that have happened. This appears however to be impossible without starting again.

Mount & Blade: Warband is a stand alone expansion pack for the game that brought medieval battlefields to life with its realistic mounted combat and detailed fighting system. Graphical overhaul: Support added for HDR, FSAA, depth of field, soft particles, tone mapping, and many other effects. New models with greater detail and high-quality. The Complete Mount and Blade Warband Cheats List. Insert the following codes at the corresponding time for the desired result. You'll have to click on 'Allow Cheats' in the Config menu first. In the inventory it gives you 1,000 Gold - CTRL + X. Knock out all of your troops - CTRL + SHIFT + F6. Knock out one of your troops - CTRL + F6.

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Am I right about this? Or is there a beautiful genius somewhere who can help me?.

I started a new game with Arwa trying to overthrow sultan, but at some point Khergits came and captured Shariz. Although the main Sarranid faction is at war with Khergits they never try to recapture Shariz and I am left with a hole in my territory. I am very friendly with Khergits and I don't want to go to war with them just to get Shariz. Is there any way to get Shariz for myself? My plan was to let Sarranids get it back and then I would capture it from them. I am so frustrated right now that I would use a cheat to change the ownership of Shariz to myself if such a thing is possible. I also tried using the cheat menu to make Sarranids attack Shariz, but they just walk for a second towards it and then quit.

If you're looking to conquer it for yourself, and not for another faction you can use the cheat menu to do this pretty easily. The only caveat being you'll have to besiege the city yourself as there isn't a cheat I've heard of to outright switch ownership.First step is to enable cheats by using this these keys: ctrl + and then type nocheatmenu to block the ensuing menu.Next, initiate a siege on Shariz. After laying siege and attacking the castle use the press the keys ctrl+ alt+ F4 to instantly knock unconscious all enemy troops, allowing you to easily capture the castle for yourself.Now that you own Shariz you'll likely have made most of the Khergit Khanate upset. Thankfully, cheats help here too. If you use ctrl+ left click you can teleport around the map.

Use this to find Khergit nobles and strike up a conversation with them. So long as cheats are enabled you should see a conversation option that says 'CHEATS!'


This option allows you to set their relationship value to whatever you want it, allowing you to placate them for the loss of the castle.Now you own the castle, took no losses during the battle for it, and nobody's upset about it.